

From working in partnership with The University of York in the development of a medical imaging system, through to the manufacture of medical equipment using investment cast components, our design engineers and production processes can deliver parts to a quality that supports a range of applications.

Specialist small intricate parts

Our casting process excels in the production of small components which comfortably sit in the palm of your hand.

Sylatech’s ability to create lightweight complex structures is well suited to meet the demands of  many medical products and manufacturing parts for prosthetics is a key part of our business.

The antimicrobial properties of copper and its associated alloys can help to minimise the transfer of harmful viruses or bacteria. Designers and engineers often have this in mind when considering appropriate metals and methods of manufacture required for new products.

We support many customers who have requirements for investment castings in the medical sector including Smiths Medical, De Soutter Medical and Moller-Wedel. We manufacture components used in products such as syringe pumps, operating microscopes and bionic hands.


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